

Landswye sukses vir Nádine se splinternuwe treffer-ballade “TYD”!

Nádine verwerf weer nommer 1 status op verskeie landswye radiostasies met haar nuutste enkelsnit van haar top album “SKILDERY”. “TYD” - nog ‘n treffer gepen deur platinum bekroonde liedjieskrywer, Johan Oberholzer, het vinnig radiostasies oorgeneem sedert sy vrystelling vroeër die jaar. “TYD” is ‘n kombinasie van ‘n sterk musikale verwerking, aangrypende lirieke en natuurlik Nádine se besonderse stem, en maak dit “TYD” ‘n merkwaardige treffer vir radio!

Nádine het weereens die treffersparade van die Afrikaanse musiekbedryf aan die einde van 2014 betree met “SKILDERY”. Die treffer het landswyd die nommer een posisie behaal op byna elke radiostasie, insluitend die gewilde Jacaranda FM. “SKILDERY” is ook benoem vir twee GHOEMA musiek-toekennings, ‘n SAMA (South African Music Awards) toekenning en n Huisgenoot Tempo Toekenning!

Nádine is onlangs benoem as die glanstydskrif ,Sarie, se Rooitapyt Glanspersoonlikheid. Daarbenewens sal die tweede reeks van die gewilde SABC 2 musiekprogram, Musiek Roulette, later vanjaar die lig sien met Nádine as aanbieder en sangeres! Die program word in die gewilde 20:00 tydsgleuf elke Vrydagaand op SABC 2 uitgesaai.

INFO NADINE : www.facebook.com/nadine.net & www.nadine.net
Video vervaardig deur Gerhard van Rooyen & Spheratical Productions vir NADINE Musiek.

Nationwide success for Nádine’s massive power ballade "TYD"!

Nádine reached the top of the hit parade once again on numerous radio stations nationwide! "TYD" - written by platinum hit songwriter Johan Oberholzer, is the second hit single from Nádine’s latest album “SKILDERY”. The song itself is composed with a striking and dramatic, yet harmonious, balance through its strong lyrical content, its exceptional arrangement and Nádine's incredible voice. The latter makes “TYD” nothing less than a surefire hit.

In late 2014 Nádine took to the Afrikaans charts again with “Skildery” which reached #1 position on every radio station nationwide, specifically Jacaranda FM, showing that Nádine is still a fierce competitor in the South African music industry. The album “SKILDERY” was also nominated for two GHOEMA awards, a SAMA (South African Music Awards) and a Huisgenoot Tempo Award!

Nadine has also recently been awarded the title of “Red Carpet Glamour Celebrity” by the chic Afrikaans magazine SARIE, nominated as presenter of the year at the Tempo awards and will also reprise her role as presenter and singer on the second series of the hit TV show “Musiek Roulette”. This popular program will air later this year on national television in the prime time slot 8pm, every Friday night on SABC2.

INFO NADINE : www.facebook.com/nadine.net & www.nadine.net
Video produced by Gerhard van Rooyen & Spheratical Productions for NADINE Musiek
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