
Machiel Roets Singing

The amazing Machiel Roets penned this song, titled "Chris Chameleon" and sang it before Chris went on stage at the Aardvark in London. http://www.machielroets.com/

ek het my land te vroeg verlaat en my naam was skaars gehoor op straat
i left my country much too soon and my name was barely known to you

en niemand weet wie ek is nie en niemand luister my musiek nie
and nobody knows who i am and about my music they don't give a damn

en ek wonder as dit anders was of ek n nommer een sou pas
and if it was different i wonder if i would have had a number one hit

op rsg of dst soos chris chameleon
on radio or tv like chris chameleon

en in std ses begin ek rook en tot nou die dag het ek gestook
and in grade 8 i started to puff and until recently i smoked too much

en my stem bly laag en my keel bly drook en my hoes is soos n ou man broos
and my voice stays low and my throat is dry and i cough as if i'm about to die

en ek wens dat ek hoog kon sing soos chris chameleon
and i wish that i could sing high like chris chameleon

en ek sukkel so met my gewig en die vet kom sit in my gesig
and i struggle so much with my weight and all the fat comes and sits in my face

en ek weet wat's reg en ek eet wat's sleg en die kaloriee bly my terg
and i now what's right but i eat what's wrong and the calories keep teasing me

en ek wees ek was mooi maer soos chris chameleon
and i wish i were nice and skinny like chris chameleon
Chris Chameleon
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